Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Twilight & The Stephenie Meyer Book Signing

Well I have joined the leagues of fans who enjoy all things Twilight. The Twilight book series for those of you who don't know is written by Stephenie Meyer, a Mormon Mother of 3. She is an amazing author who writes gripping literature. I really enjoyed reading the Twilight series and can't wait for the 4th installment to come out in August! We can also look forward to the Twilight movie that comes out on December 12th!!

On Stephenie's book tour she had a stop in Phoenix so I thought it would be fun to go. I was just one of over a thousand people there! I waited for over five hours to get three books signed for me and Jessica, my sister. I actually had a great time and met some really nice people.

Before the signing, Stephenie answers questions from the Audience.

Stephenie in action, talk about writers cramp!
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