Thursday, January 15, 2009

A White Christmas

For Christmas we traveled back to the motherland where we could enjoy the snow and time with our families. We went through Vegas to avoid winter storms and were glad that we did. Vegas is quite a place during Christmas, not to mention the stellar room rates. This year we did Christmas with the Treasure's. We wrapped presents while watching Christmas movies and had our traditional reading from Luke and Christmas Eve drive to look at Christmas lights. With 9 of us all packed in the Honda Pilot it's sure to be a good time! We had a wonderful white Christmas morning with everyone in PJ's, opening presents around the tree. Later we went up to WJ to celebrate with the Bastian's. It was fun to spend time with everyone but we missed not having Russ in town. 

The rest of our break was filled with family time and Winter festivities. We went ice skating at the Galliven's Center down town and sledding up by Ben and Jodi's house on the East side. Josh's cousin Jenna had her mission farewell so we got to see a lot of the Bastian clan.

We are very grateful for our families and we were glad we could spend the holidays with them. 


Amanda said...

Sounds like you had a very fun time. The broken finger looks painful. We enjoy hearing from you and appreciate all your comments on our blog.